Okie, happy 2012 everyone. I know this blog post come kinda late...
Hopefully this 2012 will be a good year for me.
Learnt so much things in 2011, one important one, that is my weakness, that my fam warned me from I was young..
Yep, I have a big circle of friends. And I now, I know who are those who are truly with me, always standing beside me be it rain or shine, and who are those are I should distance away.
I decide to distance away from some, whom is actually a group of people whom I really keep close to my heart, really important ones, but who knows, as time goes by, people changes, they made new friends, and throw away the old ones. They used you to make friends with friends. They used you cause they know your weakness. #hateit.
Those who are with me, you all know who you are. Thankyou so much :')
Okie should just stop here, lesson learnt.
Talking about new year resolutions, I have them every year but it doesn't seem to work well.
So this year I should just come out with few things to do/ need to do:
1) STOP scolding vulgarities (lololol!) sucha bad habit I knowwww.
2) Hmmmm, find a suitable boyfriend? (bahahahahahaha)
3) Continue with my online business
4) Further my studies
5) SLIM-fucking-DOWN
6) Revamp my room
7) Earn more, save more, spend less
8) Less troubles for fam
9) Better time management
10) More time to catch up with the people that I haven't been catching up with.
So far I should just list down this, hope to cross out some few months later! ;)
CNY coming in 9 days! Which means IIP is ending in 5 working days. 4 months of attachment at IMRE pass just in a blink. I can say it was a good experience working with the people over there, esp. my very cute supervisor Dr. Prashant! :)
Can't wait for CNY to come to wear all my new clothes!! Have been shopping online so much, need to control abittttt.
And all the plans after IIP with ma' people and my bitchboys! It's gonna be so much of fun hehehe.
I'll be at Genting with my bitchboys on the 27th night! Totally can't wait. ^^
And more oversea trips with the people!! Like KL, another Genting and TW!!!! HEHE.
Okie, I shall blog about my 19th, share some joy with you all, hehe!
19th Chapter
Celebrated my 19th with a simple dinner at EwF with ma' people, and then head over to Yello Jello with a few to continue rocking the night. Thankyou for making my 19th awesome, and those people who called/ sms/ social networked me the wishes, really appreciate it alot! <3 <3 *spam <3 and kisses*